
Sports camp

Accommodation units adapted to receiving groups (rooms with multiple beds), locations with various sports fields and knowledge of nutrition adapted to a sports lifestyle put us among the preferred destinations for organizing sports camps, preparations, schools, tournaments and the like
This is best confirmed by the traditional Cedevita basketball camp in Veli Lošinj. Numerous sports clubs are no strangers to training in the shade of Savudrija in the Veli Jože Camp***.
Do you have a sports competition scheduled in the capital? No problem! Accommodation can be provided in Hostel Arena, Remetinec.

So far, we have been visited by many athletes: kayakers, football players, rowers, taekwondoists, swimmers... 
You can check out which fields are located at which location on:

In agreement with local sports clubs, it is possible to ensure the use of grass fields, halls, swimming pools, etc.

Explore our summer offer